Who We Are:
Emerging Leaders United is a group of young professionals with a passion for building community partnerships and outreach. Our members support UWBB’s annual campaign with a minimum gift of $365.
UWBB addresses poverty 365 days a year. We felt it fitting to cultivate a group of emerging leaders with that same level commitment. Please join us by donating a dollar a day, either independently or through your workplace campaign.
Our Mission:
Emerging Leaders works to connect young professionals with volunteering, networking and fundraising opportunities in the community. We aim to make positive, long lasting change in the Big Bend Region through fundraising and volunteerism.
What We Do:
With Emerging Leaders, you’ll have unique opportunities to give back to the Big Bend Region. Emerging Leaders takes a three tiered approach to philanthropy:
- Engagement: Build your professional network with other professionals who value community engagement. Emerging Leaders hosts monthly networking opportunities.
- Volunteerism: This group allows young professionals to create impact within the community through volunteer projects, such as the semi-annual Day of Doing.
- Fundraising: The Emerging Leaders plan, promote and execute two community wide fundraisers, which provide a financial impact to the United Way’s overall community campaign.